
- Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray`
- Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment`
- Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex`
parent d129d55f62
commit 0fa1e39464

@ -682,6 +682,45 @@ public final class TypeChecker
* Determines whether the provided Value-instruction refers
* to a StackArray. This is used for array indexing checks,
* to disambiguate between pointer-arrays and stack-based
* arrays.
* Params:
* valInstr = the Value-based instruction to inspect
* Returns: true if the FetchValInstr refers to a stack-array,
* false otherwise
private bool isStackArrayIndex(Value valInstr)
// TODO: Rename
Value indexToInstr = valInstr;
/* We need a `FetchValueInstruction` as the first condition */
FetchValueVar potFVV = cast(FetchValueVar)indexToInstr;
* Obtain the array variable being referred to
* and obtain it's declared type
Context potFVVCtx = potFVV.getContext();
Variable potStackArrVar = cast(Variable)resolver.resolveBest(potFVVCtx.getContainer(), potFVV.varName);
Type variableDeclaredType = getType(potFVVCtx.getContainer(), potStackArrVar.getType());
* If the type is `StackArray`
return true;
return false;
public void typeCheckThing(DNode dnode)
@ -1140,6 +1179,125 @@ public final class TypeChecker
/* The type of the cats expression is that of the type it casts to */
/* ArrayIndex */
else if(cast(ArrayIndex)statement)
ArrayIndex arrayIndex = cast(ArrayIndex)statement;
Type accessType;
/* Pop the thing being indexed (the indexTo expression) */
Value indexToInstr = cast(Value)popInstr();
Type indexToType = indexToInstr.getInstrType();
gprintln("ArrayIndex: Type of `indexToInstr`: "~indexToType.toString());
/* Pop the index instruction (the index expression) */
Value indexInstr = cast(Value)popInstr();
Type indexType = indexInstr.getInstrType();
// TODO: Type check here the `indexToInstr` ensure that it is an array
// TODO: Type check the indexInstr and ensure it is an integral type (index can not be anything else)
// TODO: We need iets different for stack-arrays here
/* Final Instruction generated */
Instruction generatedInstruction;
// // TODO: We need to add a check here for if the `arrayRefInstruction` is a name
// // ... and if so if its type is `StackArray`, else we will enter the wrong thing below
// TODO: Look up based on the name of the `FetchValueInstruction` (so if it is)
// ... AND if it refers to a stack array
bool isStackArray = isStackArrayIndex(indexToInstr);
gprintln("isStackArray (being indexed-on)?: "~to!(string)(isStackArray), DebugType.ERROR);
// /* The type of what is being indexed on */
// Type indexingOnType = arrayRefInstruction.getInstrType();
// gprintln("Indexing-on type: "~indexingOnType.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
/* Stack-array type `<compnentType>[<size>]` */
StackArray stackArray = cast(StackArray)indexToType;
accessType = stackArray.getComponentType();
gprintln("ArrayIndex: Stack-array access");
gprintln("<<<<<<<< STCK ARRAY INDEX CODE GEN >>>>>>>>", DebugType.ERROR);
* Codegen and type checking
* 1. Set the type (TODO)
* 2. Set the context (TODO)
StackArrayIndexInstruction stackArrayIndexInstr = new StackArrayIndexInstruction(indexToInstr, indexInstr);
gprintln("IndexTo: "~indexToInstr.toString(), DebugType.ERROR);
gprintln("Index: "~indexInstr.toString(), DebugType.ERROR);
gprintln("Stack ARray type: "~stackArray.getComponentType().toString(), DebugType.ERROR);
// assert(false);
generatedInstruction = stackArrayIndexInstr;
/* Array type `<componentType>[]` */
else if(cast(Pointer)indexToType)
gprintln("ArrayIndex: Pointer access");
Pointer pointer = cast(Pointer)indexToType;
accessType = pointer.getReferredType();
* Codegen and type checking
* 1. Embed the index instruction and indexed-to instruction
* 2. Set the type of this instruction to the type of the array's component type
* 3. (TODO) Set the context
ArrayIndexInstruction arrayIndexInstr = new ArrayIndexInstruction(indexToInstr, indexInstr);
generatedInstruction = arrayIndexInstr;
// TODO: Throw an error here
// throw new TypeMismatchException()
gprintln("Indexing to an entity other than a stack array or pointer!", DebugType.ERROR);
// TODO: context (arrayIndex)
gprintln("ArrayIndex: [toInstr: "~indexToInstr.toString()~", indexInstr: "~indexInstr.toString()~"]");
gprintln("Array index not yet supported", DebugType.ERROR);
// assert(false);
gprintln("This ain't it chief", DebugType.ERROR);
/* VariableAssigbmentDNode */
else if(cast(tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.variables.VariableAssignmentNode)dnode)
@ -1571,6 +1729,129 @@ public final class TypeChecker
* Array assignments (ArrayAssignment)
else if(cast(ArrayAssignment)statement)
ArrayAssignment arrayAssignment = cast(ArrayAssignment)statement;
gprintln("Note, dependency processing of ArrayAssignment is not yet implemented, recall seggy", DebugType.ERROR);
// TODO: We need to implement this, what should we put here
// ... we also should be setting the correct types if need be
* At this point the code queue top of stack should look like this
* (as a requirement for Array assignments) (top-to-bottom)
* 1. Index instruction
* 2. Array name instruction
* 3. Assigment expression instruction
Value indexInstruction = cast(Value)popInstr();
// FIXME: Actually this may not always be the case, the name fetching makes sense
// ... for stack arrays but not pointer ones where the arrayRef may be generated
// ... from something else.
Value arrayRefInstruction = cast(Value)popInstr();
Value assignmentInstr = cast(Value)popInstr();
gprintln("indexInstruction: "~indexInstruction.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
gprintln("arrayRefInstruction: "~arrayRefInstruction.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
gprintln("assignmentInstr: "~assignmentInstr.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
/* Final Instruction generated */
Instruction generatedInstruction;
// TODO: We need to add a check here for if the `arrayRefInstruction` is a name
// ... and if so if its type is `StackArray`, else we will enter the wrong thing below
bool isStackArray = isStackArrayIndex(arrayRefInstruction);
gprintln("isStackArray (being assigned to)?: "~to!(string)(isStackArray), DebugType.ERROR);
/* The type of what is being indexed on */
Type indexingOnType = arrayRefInstruction.getInstrType();
gprintln("Indexing-on type: "~indexingOnType.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
gprintln("Indexing-on type: "~indexingOnType.classinfo.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
/* Stack-array type `<compnentType>[<size>]` */
// TODO: Crashing here currently with `simple_stack_arrays2.t`
// gprint("arrayRefInstruction: ");
// gprintln(arrayRefInstruction);
// StackArrayIndexInstruction stackArrayIndex = cast(StackArrayIndexInstruction)arrayRefInstruction;
FetchValueVar arrayFetch = cast(FetchValueVar)arrayRefInstruction;
* Hoist out the declared stack array variable
Context stackVarContext = arrayFetch.getContext();
assert(stackVarContext); //TODO: We must set the Context when we make the `StackArrayIndexInstruction`
Variable arrayVariable = cast(Variable)resolver.resolveBest(stackVarContext.container, arrayFetch.varName);
Type arrayVariableDeclarationType = getType(stackVarContext.container, arrayVariable.getType());
gprintln("TODO: We are still working on generating an assignment instruction for assigning to stack arrays", DebugType.ERROR);
gprintln("TODO: Implement instruction generation for stack-based arrays", DebugType.ERROR);
// TODO: Use StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction
StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction stackAssignmentInstr = new StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction(arrayFetch.varName, indexInstruction, assignmentInstr);
// TODO: See issue on `Stack-array support` for what to do next
// assert(false);
generatedInstruction = stackAssignmentInstr;
// TODO: Set context
/* Set the context */
gprintln(">>>>> "~stackAssignmentInstr.toString());
gprintln("Assigning into this array: "~to!(string)(assignmentInstr));
// assert(false);
/* Array type `<componentType>[]` */
else if(cast(Pointer)indexingOnType)
// TODO: Update this and don't use pointer dereference assignment
* Create a new pointer dereference assignment instruction
* 1. The deref is level 1 (as array index == one `*`)
* 2. The left-hand side is to be `new ArrayIndexInstruction(arrayRefInstruction, indexInstruction)`
* 3. Assignment expression is to be `assignmentInstr`
// NOTE: We couple arrBasePtr+offset (index) using an ArrayIndexInstruction (optimization/code-reuse)
ArrayIndexInstruction arrIndex = new ArrayIndexInstruction(arrayRefInstruction, indexInstruction);
ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction arrDerefAssInstr = new ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction(arrIndex, assignmentInstr);
gprintln("TODO: Implement instruction generation for pointer-based arrays", DebugType.ERROR);
generatedInstruction = arrDerefAssInstr;
// assert(false);
// TODO: Set context
// TODO: handle this error (if even possible?)
assert(generatedInstruction !is null);
/* Add the instruction */
/* Case of no matches */
